21 Day Rise & Shine Breath Journey

Your here because you are contemplating a daily practice…

Great! Awesome! Actually, I have to say, MIRACULOUS!

This 21 Day Rise & Shine Breath Journey sets you up to be your best everyday…which enables you to Live the Life you Long for!

A daily breath practice cultivates :


* Wholeness

* Clear presence

* Grounding

* Emotional mastery, especially when triggers and challenges arise

* Accountability


During this 21 Day Rise & Shine Breath Journey you will learn 3 different breathing techniques. These sympathetic breath practices awaken, energise and brighten your existence.

We are living in times that require us to be resourced, know ourselves, and live our truth.

The glass ceiling has shattered, the castles in the sky are crumbling, and the fundamental building blocks of a societal system that aligns with nature, still eludes us.


So what do we do?


Conscious breath work enables you to to take responsibility and alchemise anything standing in the way of living life fully. It accesses parts of yourself that are unseen, so you can explore and resolve conscious/unconscious tendencies that no longer serve.

Breath is a path of mastery, freedom, and sovereignty.

And...you've come here...to a moment where it's not only time to catch your breath, it's time to ride it to the inner core of being!

This 21 Day Rise & Shine Breath Journey is a momentous way to do that!

Don't waste another moment to Rise, Shine, and Live the Life your here for!!!

You'll receive :

* Access to '21 Day Rise & Shine Breath Journey' in the Art of Breath Online Course Portal.

11 x instructional videos

21 x breath journey videos, a new one for each day!

* A whole new life!

EXCHANGE for 21 Day Rise & Shine Breath Journey is $99 AUD

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